December 20, 2009

Sunshine Cafe サンシャインカフェ

→2018年9月京大農学部横にて、「ヴィーガンカフェペルガグ(Vegan cafe Pelgag)」として新たに出発されました!











You'll find the Sunshine Cafe near the intersection of Teramachi and Sanjo in the covered arcade––just a bit west of Teramachi on Sanjo, to be precise. (Look for it on the fifth floor of the building containing a Shakey's Pizza franchise.)

The cafe takes its name from the bright sunshine that pours into its windows during the daytime, and though it stands in the midst of a bustling tourist area, the elevation five floors above the arcade (visible from the windows if you gaze down) makes the cafe remarkably calm and quiet.

The cafe prides itself on using all organic foods, grown with no pesticides, herbicides, or other such chemicals. The menu even features organic beverages, such as a beer from Germany, and many other such things as well. The herbal teas on offer are chosen for the particular health benefits they provide.

I recommend a special herbal tea, which is imported from an American organic farmer. The menu is not exclusively vegetarian, but it includes a wide range of choices for vegetarians. So it is a good place to go if your party includes both vegetarians and people who eat meat or fish.

The last page of the menu explains that if there is some particular food or ingredient that you cannot, or prefer not, to eat, the cook will be happy to prepare your dish so as to exclude it. So, vegans will have no difficulty with the menu here.

メニューボードOn this visit we ordered a tomato, avocado and salsa salad, a vegetarian dry curry made from soy and served over rice, and a soy "hamburger" served with a teriyaki sauce. We also ordered pita bread stuffed with spicy tempeh and salsa. Each dish was well-seasoned.

On the menu are pasta dishes, bagel sandwiches, various "pocket" style sandwiches made from pita bread, rice dishes, and tofu dishes. The menu resembles something you might expect to find in California. The lunch menu varies daily, featuring cuisines from many different countries and traditions.

The atmosphere is relaxing and congenial, ideal if you are dining alone. The cafe is also very carefully and efficiently divided into smoking and non-smoking sections; you need never worry about cigarette smoke if it troubles you.

(英語メニューあり:English menu provided)

Vegie menu:
× 100% Vegan
× 100% Vegetarian
○ Vegan menu
× Raw food
○ Vegetarian(Inc.Daily,egg)
○ Vegetarian menu
○ Vegetable dish( broth)
○ Non vegie menu
× Vegan sweets
○ Vegie sweets
× Raw sweets
× Gluten free(Upon your request)
× White sugar
○ Organic beer,Bio wine

店名 :Sunshine Cafe サンシャイン カフェ
TEL :075-251-1678
営業 :平日 12:00-23:00, 土日 12:00-23:30
休日 :不定休
住所 :京都市中京区三条通寺町東入ル石橋町5-1
    5F Ishizumi Builg, 5-1 Ishibashi-cho,
            North side of Sanjo St, West of Teramachi,

URL  :
    (日本語のみ/Only In Japanese)

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