December 30, 2009

Mumokuteki Cafe&Foods ムモクテキ カフェ&フーズ





steamed-veg その他、単品でもサンドイッチ、パスタ、スープ、ベジラーメン等様々なメニューが揃っています。ベジタリアンにとって安心していただけるスムージーやデザート類も豊富です。


This cafe is part of a complex of shops, all under the same ownership. On the first floor you'll find a bookshop and a store that sells household goods (tea cups, and so on), so make sure you ascend the steps to the second floor where you'll find Mumokuteki.

The cafe is divided into two sections: one has casual couches and arm chairs, the other is furnished with country-style tables and chairs; the latter is perhaps best for dining, the former best if you come simply for coffee, tea, and dessert. For lunch and dinner you'll find both set-menus and dishes a la carte.

During the lunch hours, an additional 200 yen allows you access to a vegetarian salad bar where you may eat all you like. For dinner, I recommend the set-menu (called, in Japanese, "ban-gohan setto"), priced at 1,700 yen. In addition to the main dishes, the set comes with seven small side dishes, rice, miso soup, dessert, and a drink. The portions are generous and satisfying.

Mumokuteki is a "vegan-friendly" cafe, and you'll find pastas, vegetarian ramen, vegetable soups, and even "vegan" sweets. The cuisine is free of white sugar, dairy products, and meat, but a few dishes do have fish in them. So, if you wish to avoid fish or fish-broth, make sure to ask the wait-staff; they are happy to advise you.

The vegetables served here come mainly from an organic farm owned by the restaurant, and all are quite delicious.

Vegie menu:
× 100% Vegan
× 100% Vegetarian
○ Vegan menu: Upon your request
× Raw food
○ Vegetarian menu
× Vegetarian(Inc.Daily,egg)
○ Vegetable dish( broth)
○ Non vegie menu(Fish)
○ Vegan sweets
○ Vegie sweets
× Raw sweets
○ Gluten free
× White sugar
○ Organic beer,Bio wine

店名:Mumokuteki Cafe&foods
TEL: 075−213−7733
営業:11:30〜21:00(Last order)
       (日本語・英語/Both in Japanese and English)


mumokuteki cafe&foods ( 河原町(京都) / 自然食 )
powered by livedoor グルメ

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